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Introduction to Archery

$30 - Cash Only at the door or buy tickets online at Search for "archery class beginner" with location "Indiana"


2- Hour Course


Open to all ages 6 and over


Waiver releases are required for all students.  For youth under 18, a parent/guardian must sign the waiver



This course introduces a beginning archer to the elements of safety, terminology, and uses  for basic equipment during a 2 hour course taught by our certified USAA/NFAA coaches. This course is open to all those ages 6 and over, and takes place on the first Saturday of every month.  

Parents and young adults are encouraged to enroll together. 

All safety gear and equipment is provided.  Personal equipment may be used at the instructor's discretion. 

Parents/guardians of participants under the age of 18 must remain at the facility until the lesson ends.  

Class size is limited. Cost is $30, 

Class registration has 2 options:

Pre-purchase tickets at

If you prefer to pay cash, please call or text one of the lead instructors to reserve your seat.

Contact List:

Rudy Miller: (708) 712-1502            Jon Cooros:  (219) 771-5374


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