DRB Community Spotlight

Join us all in congratulating DRB member Jon Corros for achieving Level 2 Instructor certification from USA Archery!

Congratulations to Deep River Bowmen's 2020 Big Buck winner Matt Abner!!
Matt harvested this beauty in the afternoon of October 25, 2020. This buck weighed in at a whopping 290 lbs and dressed at 240 lbs! It scored at 135 7/8". Amazing job Matt!!

Check out this absolutely delectable smoked venison backstrap recipe submitted by Amy Hess.
Dry Rub Ingredients:
2 Tablespoons ground coffee​
1 & 1/2 Tablespoons cocoa powder
1 Tablespoon cumin
1/2 teaspoon garlic powder
1/2 teaspoon onion powder
1 teaspoon kosher salt
3/4 teaspoon black pepper
1/4 teaspoon chipotle powder
Smoking instructions:
Pat meat dry, then rub with olive oil.
Apply rub liberally.
Wrap in plastic wrap and refrigerate for at least 1 hour, but no more than 4 hours.
Take meat out and allow to come to room temperature before smoking.
I use a pellet smoker and smoke at 225 degrees with a pan of water in the smoker
Smoke until meat is at desired doneness. (I pull mine at 145-150 degrees because I like medium) Pull off sooner for medium rare.
Let rest about 5-10 minutes and enjoy!

Member Jim Calamaris and grandson, Colin brought home some amazing trophies after their hunting experiences this spring. Here is just some of what Jim had to say when thinking back on that day...
"Here's my 2021 Spring Tom turkey I harvested on April 22. My bow was a 44# Black Widow PLX... The bird weighed 23.70 lbs and his spurs were both 1.25" and his beard was 10.25". This was the second day of our Indiana season, and to top it all off, I took my 12 year old grandson, Colin, out for his first hunt on Saturday the 17th for the opener of youth turkey with his Mossberg 500 20GA. And he shot a beautiful bird that weighed 22# with a 11-1/2" beard and 1-7/8" spurs. What a season!! I think I may have hunting partner!"
Please check out our Instagram page for Jim's full account of this amazing hunt!