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Membership in DRB covers you, your spouse, and children under 18 years of age. Junior memberships are available for those under 21 at reduced price. Membership cost is $100 initiation fee and $100 annual dues. Junior members pay only annual dues.


Benefits of membership include:



We also offer two indoor and two outdoor shooting leagues along with several special events.

Some of the special events in the past have been:

  • Bowhunter Education classes (the club has four USAA/NFAA certified instructors)

  • Seminars with such folks as M.R. James and 'Maggie' Magee of Bowhunter Magazine and representatives of Indiana's DNR

  • Informative presentations and informal classes on such topics as bow tuning, shooting fundamentals, broadhead sharpening and selection, etc. 


A typical year in DRB begins in January with indoor leagues at the range. We shoot each Monday and Wednesday night at 7:00 p.m. and the league continues for up to sixteen weeks. The indoor league consists of an indoor PAA '300' round shot at 20 yards. Discounted Range Passes are available for members at a 25% savings. 


We also host indoor public shoots on Saturday evenings January through April. 


In March we start shooting outdoors with our infamous, "Cabin Fever Shoot." This event heralds the beginning of another season of 3-D Shoots. The club currently schedules our 3-D Shoots every second, fourth, and fifth (when available) Sunday of the month. These shoots are one way to raise revenue to operate the club. We are a non-profit organization, but we still need revenue to maintain the club and its grounds. 

Operating on a tight budget means that we must do virtually all repairs, grounds maintenance, and major renovations ourselves. To this end we have begun the practice of scheduling "work parties" for the Saturday before a scheduled shoot. This scheduling technique has taken the confusion out of when work parties are actually scheduled. During work parties the ranges are closed. Attendance/participation is the obligation of every member.


As old man winter begins to wind down, it is usually time to schedule our annual awards banquet. This is an opportunity for all club members to get together, outside the club, for a night of good food, good stories and awarding our plaques for the previous year's success. 


In May outdoor league shooting begins. These shoots are held on Thursday evenings, through the last week of August. League targets are 2-D, freestanding Bowhunter Education targets. The league consists of a field-tip league, followed by a broadhead league. Discounted Range Passes are available for members from the League Secretary.


Throughout the year there are monthly meetings of the membership on the first Tuesday of the month. These meetings are held in our clubhouse at 7:00 p.m. This is where you make your membership voice heard. The club is run for the members, by the members. It is through this forum that all decisions effecting the club are made. If you don't participate, you are not fulfilling one of your obligations of membership.


When you join DRB, you are on probation for the first year. This is when you learn who your fellow members are, learn how the club operates, and begin to build what we hope will be everlasting friendships. You will receive a membership card, combination for the gate, a copy of the shooting rules and our schedule. You will also get a monthly newsletter to keep you informed of club news; meetings, shoots; legislative info and tips for better bow hunting.


With all the benefits you receive, comes one other benefit - responsibility. You have accepted membership in an organization that requires your involvement in order for you to reap the benefits. It is no longer just a club; it is your club. The membership is what makes DRB a club, not the name, not a flag, not a building or range. You joined to be part of an organization that will help you improve your archery skills. In turn, it will teach you the benefits of involving yourself in something that can be shared by the whole family and hopefully, will be in existence for our children's children, in years to come.




Don S.


Tel: (219)406-1209


Mack B.

League Secretary

Glen G.





Terry M.


Tel: (219)808-2389

Open Position

Indoor Rangemaster



Lynn S.

Club Liasion






Greg S.

Social Media Liasion

Ron T.

Outdoor Rangemaster



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